Ridgewood Leadership
Equipping saints for the work of the ministry - Ephesians 4:11

Jonathan Fuller
Jonathan Fuller was saved by God's grace at age five in the AWANA ministry of First Baptist Church of Danville, IL where he spent all of his childhood. He was homeschooled from third grade through eighth grade. He attended First Baptist Christian School through high school. During the summers after his junior and senior years of high school, he worked at Camp Assurance where he met his wife Amanda. He and Amanda were married on August 7, 1999. He graduated from Pensacola Christian College with a bachelor's of science in English education and a master's in educational administration.
In the fall of 2000, Jonathan and Amanda started teaching at Ridgewood Baptist Academy. Jonathan taught high school English, and Amanda taught first grade. After their son Rhys was born, Amanda stayed home to homeschool. Their oldest child, Rhys, is a senior at Bob Jones and their other two children Raegan and Rhett are finishing high school. After seven years of teaching, Jonathan left to pursue another degree while working construction. When the recession hit, Jonathan put off pursuing the degree and continued working construction.
The Fullers joined Ridgewood Baptist Church when they began teaching in 2000. Jonathan was ordained as a minister of the gospel on October 9, 2016. Amanda has served as nursery coordinator and as a Sunday School teacher for several years and she teaches in AWANA. Jonathan served as a deacon and currently teaches Sunday School, leads the AWANA program, and serves as an associate pastor.
Email Pastor Fuller - pastorjonathan@ridgewoodbaptist.org